
Goals, strategic objectives and activities

Education Innovation

We aim to understand, innovate and share knowledge in order to promote equitable access to quality education. Given the Bertha Centre’s commitment to social justice, it is imperative for us to help build and apply the evidence-base of what is working to improve the education pipeline. This evidence-base is to be interrogated to understand the systems and power at play, as well as the recognition of what constitutes evidence. We convene, research, catalyse and share knowledge with the range of our education stakeholders from school leaders to social change organisations to government officials and funders.

Our goals:

  1. Facilitate better decision-making FOR positive impact to spend time, money and capacity on strategies that DO improve our education system;
  2. Grow Social Justice conversations in schools to develop inclusive, just, caring, and engaging classrooms and schools where all children feel safe and empowered to enter the adult world with a sense of agency;
  3. Build capacity to innovate in education system because sometimes there isn’t an existing positive and just way. We aim to create innovations, test them, and enable the long-term and sustainable capacity of other stakeholders to innovate themselves.
