Systems Justice Innovation
Together with Impact Investing SA, the SJI team has undertook an initial situational analysis of the Just Energy Transition (JET) in South Africa. In collaboration with key partners, we aimed to build a common picture from which to enhance coordination and commence strategic interventions from all role players - towards a Climate Justice Agenda.
We are exploring using systems innovation tools and processes framed by a larger collective impact process to begin building such a common picture with a systems mapping and knowledge production phase as articulated in this first phase.
With this in mind, we propose a broad-based baseline design process to achieve a situational analysis and mapping of the JET in South Africa, culminating in a Roundtable that would provide a starting point for the collective impact process and implementations of a Climate Justice Agenda.
Bertha Centre and Impact Investing SA believe that it is critical that such an agenda is a ground up and people-centred exercise - that means participation from ground up activists, CSOs, organised labour and affected communities in policy making and narrative framing. This in turn, should be packaged to ensure its inclusion in higher-level discussions at industry and national levels.