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Nguvijita Kamenjono


Nguvitjita has extensive professional experience in financial advisory services over the past 5 years, working on a predominantly financial services-focused portfolio at Deloitte Namibia. Most recently, she gained international experience on a secondment to the firm's office in New York, where she worked on a number of New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) listed companies. She is also no stranger to community development initiatives in her local community, and is a gold certificate holder of the Youth Leadership Development Programme (YLDP) in Namibia. 

The culmination of her education background in accounting and finance, together with her experience in community development projects has led her to her passion - impact investing and financial inclusion. She is interested in researching various models of innovative alternative investment vehicles within the context of impact investing. Nguvitjita is also an avid member of the Namibia Business Angel Network (NABAN).